Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Financial Shape in 2008

Crystal at Money saving Mom, has been encouraging all of us ladies to get our financial house in order. I have decided to join her since we are trying to get out of debt and believe this program will greatly benefit our mission. Blogging about our goals and progress will keep me accountable (yes I need a lot of motivation and accountability :))Our first mission was to set a budget we could live with. Today we need to think of our short and long term goals.

So here are our short term goals.

Pay off our debt by summer
Have an emergency fund (at least 3 months worth of expenses, if not 6) by the end of summer.
Save for a down payment on a house. (we're hoping to buy a home by the end of the year)

Long term goals
Pay off the house in 15 years (sooner if possible)
Build my husband's business
Live off of my husband's salary, so that I can stay home (we're hoping to do this in 3yrs)

I would welcome any prayer so that we can meet our goals.

The Perez Family

1 comment:

Amity said...

Thanks for the comment :-) Your financial goals are very similar to ours...mine are just a little farther off in the future. How exciting that you will probably be buying a house soon!!!