Monday, January 7, 2008

Make your Home a Haven

I am joining Crytal over at Biblical Womanhood on Making your home a Haven Challenge. I am always struggling to keep a tidy home. I hope that with this I am more motivated. I work outside the home at this time and I am always so tired. I hope that by focusing on one area a day my house is more of a home. So to keep me accountable here is my to do list. It is a bit short but at times even this short list can be overwhelming.

  • Do 1-2 loads of laundry (depending on availability w/our apt. complex washers)
  • Clean 1 shelf in our hall closet (we have two large closets in the hall)
  • Clean out fridge (this was a Sat. job but we went w/ hubby to a job site)
  • Work on LAF article.

Since I'm at work I won't be able to get to my list until I get home so I will post later on my progress and hopefully completion.

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